Saturday, February 21, 2009

My 24th Birthday Party!

So My friends took me out to a place called Illusions for my birthday last night. We had a lot of fun! We played pool and just had fun hanging out.
The group picture from left to right, Lizzie, Chelsey, Me, Sara, Kendra, and Sarah. We had a blast having a girls night! Even though Lizzie's husband James came along, I still had a great time. We haven't had a girls night in a long time. Thanks for a great night girls!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Scooter and Jake

This is how big Scooter and Jake are now! I have a picture somewhere of Cody holding Jake when he was smaller but I couldn't find it, I wanted to do a before and after but oh well. They are getting bigger every day! And have decided to chew on all of my furniture, so I sprayed my chairs with this stuff called bitter barrier, and they decided they didn't like it, so now they chew on my cabinets! But that's puppies I guess...

Cody James Roy

This is my step son Cody. He is 4 years old and he is a typical 4 year old. He has his ups and downs. But for the most part is a pretty good kid. He is in Pre-school, and he loves it! He has made a lot of friends and enjoys seeing them everyday. This picture was taken up in Maine, we went up there to see Travis' dad for Christmas, and we had so much fun playing in all the snow they had. Even though it was VERY cold!