Friday, October 30, 2009

Playing in the leaves

These are from last night. I bought the dogs little orange sweaters. I didn't used to like people that dressed up their dogs, but now I see that it is practical. They are Chihuahua's so they get cold very easily, and the sweaters are very nice. Cody had a blast helping me rake the leaves and then jumping in them. He kept tackling me and trying to throw leaves in my face. I actually found a piece of a leaf in my ear after I got out the shower! Fall is my favorite time of year. I love all the colors and the smell of the leaves. Too bad it doesn't last very long! Snow is on the way!

Field Trip to Indian Rock Preserve

We went to Indian Rock last week on a field trip with Cody's class. It is an Apple Orchard in Wolcott. We learned about all the different types of apples, and she told the story of Johnny Appleseed. Then we went to the cider house, and we made our very own apple cider! It was actually very tasty! Even I got to give the cider press a try! Then we went into the orchard, and she showed us all the beehives they have, and then everyone got to pick their very own apple from a tree. The kids had a blast and it was very educational.