Monday, May 23, 2011

Crossing over from Tiger to Wolf

On May 18, 2011 Cody crossed over from a Tiger Cub to a Wolf Cub in boy scout's. Here are some of the pictures from that night.

He is such a dork! What a silly face! Cody and his Den Mother Colleen Miller.
Cody and Daddy
Cody and his pack....left to right, Bryce, Tyler, Joey, Alex, Cody, and Tristan.

What a ham!!!

He's "crossing over" from Tiger to Wolf.

Way to go Cody! I am so proud of you!!

having fun

Cody was having fun playing with play-dough. These were taken on April 23. He was making strawberry shortcake. Think he has enough stuff to use with his play-dough?! There is another bag that he didn't have out yet!


Sorry it's been so long since I posted a blog! I forgot my password and couldn't get into my account, and it turned out to be a bigger pain in the butt than I thought it would be!

Here are some pictures from the last year or so...This one is from the week Travis, Cody and I spent in Van Buren Maine last August. This is the first time he played baseball with a real baseball and mitt! He did an awesome job!

He caught it!! The jacket, hat, and mitt are presents from his Pepere Carl (Travis' dad). He LOVES them!!

This was taken Easter morning, just this last Easter.
This is his school picture from the begining of the school year. He just had another one taken a couple of weeks ago, I will post that one when I get it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a good Valentine's Day. Travis, Cody and I spent the day together. Cody was my Valentine, and he took me out to lunch at my favorite restaraunt. He bought me a new pair of pants and a new purse!
We went ice skating together after lunch, and had a blast. Even though the ice was too soft and we kept falling thru!
Cody was even a gentleman and opened my car door everytime I got in or out of the car.

Playing in the Snow!

We have had a lot of fun playing in the snow this year! Too bad it's not over! I can't wait for spring. Even the dogs have had fun in the snow this year. This is Scooter. This is both Scooter and Jake. They had a blast chasing eachother around the back yard. There were a couple of spots that the snow was so deep, they had to hop to get thru it! It was cute!

Cody has had a lot of fun crawling around in the snow and pretending all kinds of things. He has quite the imagination.

When he would go down the slide, between the snow, and the snowpants, he would go another 4-5 feet off the bottom of the slide.
In this one, he is pretending he is swimming.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Cody wanted to be a spider for Halloween, but I couldn't find a spider costume anywhere! So Travis and I had to make it. We took an old backpack, cut off everything, left the shoulder straps, and the piece that goes against his back. Some baby tights full of newspaper, hand stitched it all together, and BAM a spider costume! It took us a total of about 20 hours to make! It all had to be hand stitched because it wouldn't fit in my sewing machine! But he had a good time, he got tons of candy! We had 4 lights hanging on him though, it was hard to see him in the dark in a black costume! lol He kept going around on his hands and knees pretending to make spider webs everywhere. It was really funny! I hope you all a good and safe Halloween. Lots of Love!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Playing in the leaves

These are from last night. I bought the dogs little orange sweaters. I didn't used to like people that dressed up their dogs, but now I see that it is practical. They are Chihuahua's so they get cold very easily, and the sweaters are very nice. Cody had a blast helping me rake the leaves and then jumping in them. He kept tackling me and trying to throw leaves in my face. I actually found a piece of a leaf in my ear after I got out the shower! Fall is my favorite time of year. I love all the colors and the smell of the leaves. Too bad it doesn't last very long! Snow is on the way!