Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Cody wanted to be a spider for Halloween, but I couldn't find a spider costume anywhere! So Travis and I had to make it. We took an old backpack, cut off everything, left the shoulder straps, and the piece that goes against his back. Some baby tights full of newspaper, hand stitched it all together, and BAM a spider costume! It took us a total of about 20 hours to make! It all had to be hand stitched because it wouldn't fit in my sewing machine! But he had a good time, he got tons of candy! We had 4 lights hanging on him though, it was hard to see him in the dark in a black costume! lol He kept going around on his hands and knees pretending to make spider webs everywhere. It was really funny! I hope you all a good and safe Halloween. Lots of Love!

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