Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We had a blast playing outside today! It has been in the 80's or 90's the last couple of days, and took advantage of the hot weather and played in the sprinkler. Even the dogs had a good time just being outside! Too bad Marissa was sleeping the whole time, she loves playing the water! It was wonderful to just sit outside and work on my tan, and watch the kids play. There is nothing better than that!


These are pictures I took of Cody on Easter Sunday. He was being a dork and kept making silly faces at me. We made Easter cards for his grandparents, and these are the pictures he chose to use. He had a pretty good Easter, lots of new toys, and lots of candy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here is an update for you....
I am still working at Wal-Mart. Cody is doing good in school, he is learning so much, he has learned how to write his first and last name, he can count pretty high, he has some trouble remembering 13, but does pretty good, he can recognize almost every letter of the alphabet, he has some trouble with the M's and W's. And he confuses K and X.
I am looking into opening my own in-home daycare, I can't decide if I want to call it, Ms. Megan's place, or The Megan and Me daycare....so let me know which one you like better!
Travis is doing good, still working to much and to hard, but that seems to be a man thing....
He is a truck driver, he delivers gas to gas stations, he stays local, which is nice, because he is home every night to help with bedtime.
Hope you are doing well!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chef Cody

Cody helped me make Hamburger Pie for dinner last night, he is a pretty good little chef, and loves to help in the kitchen. We bought him an apron and chef hat that are lightening McQueen, and he looks for any excuse to wear them. He is such a ham for the camera! He had to show off his muscles!! It's a blast having him as a little helper in the kitchen and anywhere else I may need his help.

St. Patrick's Day!

Here are the kids on St. Patty's day. Cody's shirt says Lucky and Charming, and Nick's says If you're lucky you'll be like me someday. Marissa has one that she puked all over, that says Mommy's lucky charm.
They had a very good day! It was fun (as always) to have Sara and her kids over. The boys always have a great time together.