Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here is an update for you....
I am still working at Wal-Mart. Cody is doing good in school, he is learning so much, he has learned how to write his first and last name, he can count pretty high, he has some trouble remembering 13, but does pretty good, he can recognize almost every letter of the alphabet, he has some trouble with the M's and W's. And he confuses K and X.
I am looking into opening my own in-home daycare, I can't decide if I want to call it, Ms. Megan's place, or The Megan and Me daycare....so let me know which one you like better!
Travis is doing good, still working to much and to hard, but that seems to be a man thing....
He is a truck driver, he delivers gas to gas stations, he stays local, which is nice, because he is home every night to help with bedtime.
Hope you are doing well!

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