Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Cody wanted to be a spider for Halloween, but I couldn't find a spider costume anywhere! So Travis and I had to make it. We took an old backpack, cut off everything, left the shoulder straps, and the piece that goes against his back. Some baby tights full of newspaper, hand stitched it all together, and BAM a spider costume! It took us a total of about 20 hours to make! It all had to be hand stitched because it wouldn't fit in my sewing machine! But he had a good time, he got tons of candy! We had 4 lights hanging on him though, it was hard to see him in the dark in a black costume! lol He kept going around on his hands and knees pretending to make spider webs everywhere. It was really funny! I hope you all a good and safe Halloween. Lots of Love!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Playing in the leaves

These are from last night. I bought the dogs little orange sweaters. I didn't used to like people that dressed up their dogs, but now I see that it is practical. They are Chihuahua's so they get cold very easily, and the sweaters are very nice. Cody had a blast helping me rake the leaves and then jumping in them. He kept tackling me and trying to throw leaves in my face. I actually found a piece of a leaf in my ear after I got out the shower! Fall is my favorite time of year. I love all the colors and the smell of the leaves. Too bad it doesn't last very long! Snow is on the way!

Field Trip to Indian Rock Preserve

We went to Indian Rock last week on a field trip with Cody's class. It is an Apple Orchard in Wolcott. We learned about all the different types of apples, and she told the story of Johnny Appleseed. Then we went to the cider house, and we made our very own apple cider! It was actually very tasty! Even I got to give the cider press a try! Then we went into the orchard, and she showed us all the beehives they have, and then everyone got to pick their very own apple from a tree. The kids had a blast and it was very educational.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My Wedding

This is me and Travis with my new in-laws. His mom Carolyn and his step dad Gene. Unfortuanatly his dad wasn't able to make it down from Maine. My parents weren't able to make it either.
This is me, Cody, and my best friend/maid of Honor, Lizzie Pope.

The Roy family!

The ring exchanges...

Cody walking me down the aisle.
For some reason it put them backwards when I downloaded the, guess next time I should upload them backwards then maybe they will come out the right way.
There are more pictures that I will post later, I have to get the rest of the pictures from the other people that had cameras.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The 4th of July

We had a blast on the fourth of July! We went to my friend Sara's parents house for a BBQ and drinks then walked down to a local park for a firework show. The pic of the guys is Steve, (Sara's fiance) Travis, and Shayne. Marissa sleeping, she slept through the entire fireworks show! She could sleep through a train wreck...

This is Sara with her neice, Mackenzie, Mackenzie loved the fireworks she kept waving at them.

This is Cody, me, and Travis at the firwork show, we had a great time, the kids were a little cranky because it was so late, Nick didn't want his picture taken and he cried every time I tried, that's why there isn't one of Nick.

This is me and Marissa at Noni and Papa's house, the kids all played in a little kiddy pool, and had a blast. It was great food, great drinks, and a great time with excellent friends and "family"! Thanks Noni and Papa for having us over! I miss you Sara!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We had a blast playing outside today! It has been in the 80's or 90's the last couple of days, and took advantage of the hot weather and played in the sprinkler. Even the dogs had a good time just being outside! Too bad Marissa was sleeping the whole time, she loves playing the water! It was wonderful to just sit outside and work on my tan, and watch the kids play. There is nothing better than that!


These are pictures I took of Cody on Easter Sunday. He was being a dork and kept making silly faces at me. We made Easter cards for his grandparents, and these are the pictures he chose to use. He had a pretty good Easter, lots of new toys, and lots of candy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here is an update for you....
I am still working at Wal-Mart. Cody is doing good in school, he is learning so much, he has learned how to write his first and last name, he can count pretty high, he has some trouble remembering 13, but does pretty good, he can recognize almost every letter of the alphabet, he has some trouble with the M's and W's. And he confuses K and X.
I am looking into opening my own in-home daycare, I can't decide if I want to call it, Ms. Megan's place, or The Megan and Me daycare....so let me know which one you like better!
Travis is doing good, still working to much and to hard, but that seems to be a man thing....
He is a truck driver, he delivers gas to gas stations, he stays local, which is nice, because he is home every night to help with bedtime.
Hope you are doing well!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chef Cody

Cody helped me make Hamburger Pie for dinner last night, he is a pretty good little chef, and loves to help in the kitchen. We bought him an apron and chef hat that are lightening McQueen, and he looks for any excuse to wear them. He is such a ham for the camera! He had to show off his muscles!! It's a blast having him as a little helper in the kitchen and anywhere else I may need his help.

St. Patrick's Day!

Here are the kids on St. Patty's day. Cody's shirt says Lucky and Charming, and Nick's says If you're lucky you'll be like me someday. Marissa has one that she puked all over, that says Mommy's lucky charm.
They had a very good day! It was fun (as always) to have Sara and her kids over. The boys always have a great time together.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another sleepover!

Cody had another sleepover, this time it was with Devin. He is the same age as Cody, he is our friend Tom's son. He is such a blast! We had a great time. Tom laid on the couch with the boys and watched Horton hears a who. I love that when I take the pictures of them sleeping it doesn't even wake them up! It is so cute...I didn't get any other pictures of Devin but I will next time they are over.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sylus and Graylee

This is Sylus and Graylee, they are Trent's kids. Aren't they so stinkin' cute!! Sylus looks more and more like Trent every time I see him. And Graylee is just so cute I could eat her up!

Cody and Nick had a sleepover

Cody had a sleepover last night, Nick is my friend Sara's little boy. He is Cody's best friend, he has slept over before, but this time we made a tent in Cody's bedroom and let them sleep in there. They had a blast!! Little boys are so cute. I took the picture on the left at 3 this morning and they didn't budge! The other one is at about 10 last night. The flash didn't even phase them! Deep sleepers, huh?!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My 24th Birthday Party!

So My friends took me out to a place called Illusions for my birthday last night. We had a lot of fun! We played pool and just had fun hanging out.
The group picture from left to right, Lizzie, Chelsey, Me, Sara, Kendra, and Sarah. We had a blast having a girls night! Even though Lizzie's husband James came along, I still had a great time. We haven't had a girls night in a long time. Thanks for a great night girls!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Scooter and Jake

This is how big Scooter and Jake are now! I have a picture somewhere of Cody holding Jake when he was smaller but I couldn't find it, I wanted to do a before and after but oh well. They are getting bigger every day! And have decided to chew on all of my furniture, so I sprayed my chairs with this stuff called bitter barrier, and they decided they didn't like it, so now they chew on my cabinets! But that's puppies I guess...

Cody James Roy

This is my step son Cody. He is 4 years old and he is a typical 4 year old. He has his ups and downs. But for the most part is a pretty good kid. He is in Pre-school, and he loves it! He has made a lot of friends and enjoys seeing them everyday. This picture was taken up in Maine, we went up there to see Travis' dad for Christmas, and we had so much fun playing in all the snow they had. Even though it was VERY cold!